
The European Pond Hockey Championship
takes place on 28th February - 1st march 2025 at the Ice Rink in the Ritten Arena- Klobenstein
See you on ice again!

* Team-Name
Team captain (contact person before and during the tournament):
* Last Name
* Date of birth
. .
* Birthplace
* Tax number
* E-Mail
Special requests
YES, i agree with the Privacy police.
* Obbligated fields
After paying participation fee, your registration becomes binding.

The participation fee of €350 per team must be paid within a week from the date of registration.

For legal reasons, fees must be paid by bank transfer. Should the payment be incomplete on the date it is due, we reserve the right to cancel that registration in favor of another team.

Please transfer the amount to the following account with the subject “EuroPondHockey 2025+TEAMNAME”:

Sonnenplateau Ritten Konsortial GmbH
Dorfstrasse 5 - 39054 Klobenstein/Ritten

Account/IBAN: IBAN IT31 W081 8758 7400 0000 1031 338
Banking institution: Raiffeisenkasse Ritten

Registrations can be accepted until February 15th 2025 at the latest.


Tournament info:
Tel. +39 0417356100

Accomodations info:
Tourist info office Renon
Tel. +39 0471 356100

Legal Notes

  • With their signature, participants acknowledge the announcement as well as the participation requirements and General Terms and Conditions of the Pond Hockey Cup.
  • Participants must be 18 years old, having completed their 18th birthday by the first day of the tournament.
  • Registration becomes binding only after successful payment of participation fee.
  • Number of participants is limited.
  • Personal data transmitted by participants at registration will be saved and used only for purposes related to the event. This applies in particular to data required for payment. By registering, participants agree to their personal data being stored for this purpose.
  • By registering, participants agree to the use and forwarding of information by them provided for purposes related to determine and report standings and results.
Pursuant to art. 13 of the D.Lg. n. 196/2003 an the regulation (EU) of the European Parliament and of the European Council n. 679/2016 I declare to have been adequately informed on the conferment of the use and processing of personal data and to authorize the organizer of the event in accordance with art. 23 and 26 of D.Lg. n. 196/2003 to the use, processing and dissemination to third parties of the same within the organization of the event and also in order to indicate the placements and results.
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